Thanks to one of our readers, John Owens, a very well-crafted tutorial was made, which tells your everything you need to know to start shooting on the BMPCC4K (Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K camera). Titled “The Complete BMPCC 4K Video Manual” is 2 hours immersive and most comprehensive tutorial that can teach you the essentials of shooting like a pro. Check it out below.

A few days ago, we got a neat email that says: “My name is John Owens and I run a YouTube channel that does a lot with the Black Magic Design cameras. I just recently released a free full BMPCC 4K Video manual that goes over everything that a user needs to get started. It’s about 2 hours long and under each chapter heading are further links to more in-depth resources on each camera topic. I thought I would just reach out to some camera news sites in the industry and see if there was any interest in publishing an article or something to that effect on this for people to find. I really did this to help others be able to tell their stories through film and will continue to make content like this available for free on YouTube. Plan on doing a full video like this on the Pocket 6k Pro in the future. Not really expecting anything out of this but just thought I’d check to see if this was of any interest to the film community as a free resource”. So we’ve decided to check it out. Indeed, it’s worth attention.

Blackmagic Design has announced the BMPCC4K back at NAB 2018, as an all-new Pocket Cinema Camera which comprises of 4/3 HDR sensor, dual native ISO with up to 25600 ISO as well as 13 stops of dynamic range. Although the camera is not new, it’s still considered an affordable yet professional camera (priced at $1,300 – just like as announced 3 years ago). Anyway, it’s not just about the camera, since John’s tutorial touches many topics that are relevant to other cinema cameras as well.

Here’s a shortlist of selected topics:
- Hardware and Specs
- Build and Ergonomics
- Touchscreen
- MFT System and 4/3 Sensor
- Frame Rate and Resolution Options
- Storage and media
- Audio
- Batteries
- Interface and Menus
- Button/Lights
- Touchscreen Controls
- Dual Native ISO System
- White Balance
- Power Indicator
- LUT Indicator
- RGB Histogram & Color Peaking (BMD 7.3 Update)
- Lut Applied To Clip
- Playback Menu
- Codec and Quality
- Resolution
- Dynamic Range
- Sensor Area
- Project Metadata
- Updating on a Mac and PC
- Color Grading BRAW Different Rigs and Accessories
- BMPCC4K Underwater Housing

John’s most comprehensive tutorial is one of the most efficient ways to know the camera, not just the BMPCC4K, but other cameras as well, including from other manufacturers. Nevertheless, if you are a Blackmagic shooter, you definitely should be checking out this educational gem, since it’s very polished, high detailed, and… FREE. Explore it below:
Product List
Camera: Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema 4K. Price: $1,295 Buy
BMPCC4K: The Full (and FREE) Video Manual - Y.M.Cinema - News & Insights on Digital Cinema - YMCinema Magazine
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