Samsung has reportedly dropped the 'Z' letter branding from its foldable phones. The year 2022 family of foldable phones -- Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Flip 3. These phones will be simply called Galaxy Fold 3 and Galaxy Flip 3 in Europe. The reason being the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.
The letter 'Z' started getting a bad reputation after the footage of Russian tanks marked with the letter appeared during the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. The alphabet 'Z' is said to be painted on Russian military units to help them distinguish from Ukrainian units. Due to this, 'Z' is now apparently seen as a symbol of pro-Russian sentiments. This has made customers in many of these countries quite sensitive to the Z branding. It has also being outlawed for political display in some countries like Germany.
The Samsung store websites in several European countries too have started listing the foldable phones as simply the Galaxy Fold 3 and Flip 3. The same is printed on the new boxes of the devices in these countries.
Samsung first launched foldable phones in 2018. Over the years, the company consolidated its foldable lineup under the Z branding. Starting with the Z Flip, Galaxy Z, the branding is now synonymous with all Samsung phones that fold.
Samsung is dumping Z from its folding phones in some countries, and why Russia is the likely reason - Times of India
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